Hi Marx D. To use the word “intimacy” when describing one’s relationship with plants could be rightfully charged as overly “poetic.” I could see that. But I’m not sure about hipster, or millennial. Here’s what I, personally, mean when I refer to intimacy with plants. Most of the plants I grow are tropical fruit trees. Some of them are twelve years old now. At this point, those trees and I have — in a way — grown up together. I remember when they were struggling in that first tough year as a sapling, how they were hit hard by leafcutter ants, how they fought through the drought years, how they were almost ripped from the ground by a flash flood. In some cases, I’ve chided them for taking too long to bear fruit. In other cases, I marvel at how much fruit they produce. I talk to them all the time — and I don’t mean that metaphorically. I mean that I actually I say things to them out loud, all the time. Like, “what’s up with you this year? You have about five fruits right now. At this time last year, you had about twenty? Is there something I should know about? Is it a water issue?” Or, “Hot damn, you look good! You’ve really gotten your groove back, after that incident with that tree that fell on you and nearly killed you, which was partially my fault. I am so sorry about that, by the way.” Stuff like that. Is that a “hipster” thing to do? Talk to your trees, feel like you know them, anthropomorphize them a bit? I don’t know. It may be slightly crazy. I could see that. But I’m not sure if it’s a hipster thing to do. And, according to the year of my birth, I also don’t qualify as millennial. But who knows.